Wednesday, April 27, 2011

vegetables and basis tangle nematode in greenhouse research.

Global Science: Fix the Earth (Figure)
2010-07-05 07:10:09 Source: Global Science Magazine
mankind has fundamentally changed and destroyed the planet. But some new ideas and new initiatives can stop us continue to destroy the homes we live.
Do no attention almost the Bank and the automotive industry, and our planet is not big ample to ebb a real system. However, in recent centuries, humans are running out of this resources on the planet, and let her take all the time we generate the garbage, when a local water resource depletion, alternatively polluting the context, the human does is move to a fashionable area. But now, we have been unable to proceed this has been used for thousands of years of tactics. scientists, social thinkers and people nigh the world have accomplished that human beings on this planet has the normal property of the incipient into one industrial property, in mandate to survive, we have to now re-transform her into a sustainable Development of the planet.
So, what crisis maneuvers? a premier tread, in the end we must be explicit how close the Earth system Foley) introduced us to a large-scale international cooperation, this project can be reckoned that the safety critical threshold of environmental processes, such as climate change, sea acidification, etc., if we do not to control those conditions, they will gradually break the Earth sustainable development. measurements out of the critical worth may need fine-tuning, but by knowing these processes, we can know how to find a solution. This month's They dwell on the earth's strategy for the repair.
these tools may temporarily postpone the restoration of environmental degradation trends, but probably unable to cure. In the United States Middlebury College (Middlebury College) Resident Scholars (savant in residence) Bill . McKibben (BillMcKibben) appears, guiding to the collapse of the Earth is the malefactor mm driving coerce of modern society, people demand infinite economic growth. McGee's new book to be published in this writing, the current , our exclusive excerpts from the new book's outlook that humans should give up now continue to amplify, and re-development of policy, the forcible protection of various resources. Critics say the motif was too impractical McKibben, in page 34 , the advising line. If you surpass this cordon, the Earth will be at hazard habitats. Unfortunately, the advising level has been exceeded.
inventor Jonathan. Welfare (Jonathan Foley)
translation Cao Zhiping Jin Hongyan Li, Fei Yu In counting to the critical point

has been given ample attention than climate change, category loss and nitrogen pollution far beyond the threshold of their security. other environmental processes are also near to the edge of danger.
rapidly accepted low-carbon vigor, inhibit land bare, change agricultural practices, for achieving sustainable development of the planet and humanity is necessity.
the birth of human culture since the Holocene began, nearly a million years, our world seem also vast to dream. vast land and sea with unlimited resources, human pollution free, you can avoid by simply moved to regional environmental limitations. humans use their aptitude to open up the construction of the Empire and the economy system exploitation of the wealth they seemed inexhaustible.
not thought of such a wanton omit of human will be the end of the day. However, the accomplishments in the field of public health, industrial revolution, and later the green revolution , the global population from 1.0 billion in 1800 soared to almost 7.0 billion immediately. Only in the elapse 50 years, world population doubled. boost in wealth, we have reached the utilization of resources staggering class of .50 years, the global edible and water consumption has trebled, fossil fuel has increased threefold. photosynthetic products of entire the planet 1 / 3 to half have been that we use.
this wanton pollution from economic growth also makes the development of a local problem into a global problem. stratospheric ozone depletion and greenhouse gas concentrations is the most manifest example, yet other disadvantageous effects are exacerbated.
population burst resource depletion and environmental mar has already changed our planet. We are favor alive in a different. The most fundamental is that we must take fathom to ensure that our activities are in the environmental behavior of the system consequences.
what caused this change? How should we avoid them? recent rejoinder center in Stockholm, Sweden (Stockholm Resilience Center), John. Rocks Trent (Johan Rockstrom) led an multinational group [members of the from Europe, the United States (including this writer) and Australia] is a more relevant answer is to find the answer: we are approaching the Earth's never occurred in human history, the risk situation.
carefully surveyed the physical and biological systems on numerous interdisciplinary research, we group identified nine environmental processes that may rend the Earth's ability to patronize human life. For these processes, we can set a limit, in this restrict, the human activities are safe. which 7 have clear boundaries of the process (watch below draft), you can use the meaning of technological file (of course, these data also have a some uncertainty). which 3 mm of climate change, ocean acidification and stratospheric ozone depletion represents a tipping point or turning point (tipping point), the other 4 boundaries indicates an irreversible decline. the repose of the two environments Process mm ventilation pollution and global chemical pollution, vast research has not, so not created limit values.
our group analysis showed that: There are three process has yet exceeded their critical point. They are: loss of biodiversity , nitrogen pollution and climate change. All other processes are all approaching their relative thresholds. the future value of the individual limits may also be inferior adjustments, there may be other processes, new multiplication to the mingle, but this group is the world's most threshold risk of environmental problems, them. For example, climate change and ocean acidification due to alike, are deserving to human use of fossil fuels, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere.
air change. Although our planet, human activities have clearly been caused by climate warming, the future will be more affected, scientists and plan makers, or polar ice vanish, water supply interruption, as well as the havoc of some of the local climate system. Now, CO2 levels have reached 387ppm (per unit volume concentration ), and at what level of greenhouse gases will reason dangerous climate alteration, the pertinent discussion continues, this implies that we need to assess people's CO2 from 350ppm to 550ppm threshold scope of various CO2 concentrations. Our thinking shows that To make the Earth rotate away from the critical point of climate, conservative estimate of the concentration of CO2 should be maintained by 350ppm or fewer. In order to fulfill this goal, the world must take instant movement to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions, and in the afterward few decades to depress greenhouse gases continue to emissions, by far beneath the current level of emissions.
ocean acidification. is undergoing climate change, ocean acidification is less known , CO2 dissolves in water to form carbonic sour also increased the absolute, so that the sea surface acidic. seawater in the natural state is alkaline, pH value of about 8.2,toronto escort, and now the sea has been reduced to 8.0 pH value, and is reduced. sea surface will be formed by aragonite (aragonite, also known as global aragonite, a metastable calcium carbonate), a decline in our level of aragonite to measure the degree of acidification. maritime food chain that many species, from corals to Most phytoplankton are dependent on aragonite to form their own bone and shell. seawater acidification will continue to marine ecosystems and food chains to make a serious recession. This is forcing people to turn to different cause of low-carbon energy.
food production Threat
threat to human food production has occupied 35% of the earth and grazing land to grow and amplify agricultural production is the chief motive for beginning up new land, which led to the destruction of natural ecosystems. As human land use several critical points are global intertwined risk. loss of biodiversity. Land development is most severe in Earth's history led to species extinction. current extinction rate is normal since the geological record of 100 species extinction rate to 1,000 times. the world from land to ocean ecosystems, species diversity in the loss of such a speed, which would undermine regional and global scale ecosystem processes. We must dedicate greater exertions to protect biodiversity, in particular, in the sensitive places of tropical rain woods. Some action plans, such as the United Nations respond to biodiversity loss and carbon emissions are two problems will be very effective.
nitrogen and phosphorus pollution. The extensive use of chemical fertilizer chemical processes Earth into chaos. the globe 133 million tonnes per year of nitrogen and 1 000 tonnes of phosphorus use the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus in the environment has doubled. Both are caused widespread water pollution, degradation of the many rivers and lakes, forming a large anoxic We need a new agricultural way of mm either increase food production, but also to protect the environment.
water wastage. in the world, we have every year from rivers, lakes and underground aquifers of fresh water taken up to 2 600 thousand cubic meters accustomed as irrigation (70%), manufacture (20%) and servant water (10%). This leads apt abatement of numerous great rivers flow, and some have completely dried up. landmark example namely the Colorado River is drying up , maximum of the Aral Sea in central Asia has desertification. the hereafter demand for fresh water ambition be even greater,the current sponsor commitments, only large improvements through technology to enhance universal water use efficiency, principally in irrigation efficiency, can aid us to avoid more serious water absences.
author Jonathan
. welfare Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Minnesota manager of cloudy science backdrop as a scientist, his research focused on land use, agriculture and the global environment common relations.
this translator
Cao Zhiping, China Agricultural University, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science Professor. especially engaged in the research of taint ecology, focusing ashore agricultural making and land use on soil biological diversity and ecosystem function.
Jin Hongyan, China Agricultural University, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science graduate,toronto escorts, vegetables and root knit nematode in greenhouse research.
Lee Yu Fei, China Agricultural University College of Resources and Environment Master ecosystems, land use conditions in different soil nematode community architecture.

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