Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2006 years

Earth Day is April 22 every year, is a international environmental movement. The 1st Earth Day in the 1970s in the United States the heave of the environmental movement on campus, in the 1990s this activity to the globe from the United States as the world's environmentalists and environmental advocacy by the celebration, in this day people of alter nationalities, assorted ways to promote their own and train the conception of environmental protection.
Earth Day activities are devised to induce human love the earth, protect your family's awareness of to enhance resource development and coordinated development of environmental protection. China 90 years from the 20th centenary, the yearly April 22 Earth Day accidents are held.
1969 U.S. Senator Gaylord. Nelson universities in the United States speeches will be held to blueprint the following year's April 22 organizations to protest the Vietnam War-themed schools movement, yet in 1969, preparatory conference held in Seattle, one organizer of the event, Harvard Law School student Dennis. Hayes is the intended movement targeting the United States, and to environmental protection the theme of a grassroots movement. Dennis. Hayes today as the A absolute of more than 2,000 people around the involvement of the environmental movement,beijing escort, the movement's success has made April 22 of each year in environmental protection activities mobilized as a practice label in the United States this Earth Day also will be shook from the spring equinox to April at 22, Earth Day theme too tend to favor extra environmental protection.
1970 年 4 22 May, the starting of the modern environmental activity of human, which promoted the establishment of environmental regulations in Western countries.
2010 World Earth Day theme is Only One Earth
1975 years: human habitation
1976 years: Water: Vital Resource as Life
1977 years: care almost ozone exhaustion, soil erosion, soil degradation and deforestation
1978 years: not break development
1979 years: for babies and the future does not undermine the development of mm
1980 years: the new 10-year, new challenges mm does not undermine the development of
1981 years: the protection of groundwater and human food fetter; Toxic chemical pollution
1982 year: Memorial 10th Anniversary Conference ashore Human Environment in Stockholm to raise environmental awareness
1983 mm year: the treatment and elimination of hazardous waste; Acid Rain and Energy
1984 years: Desertification
1985: Youth, Population and the Environment
1986 years: the environment and peace
1987 years: the environment and living
1988 years: environmental protection, sustainable development, public participation
1989: More Global warming
1990 years: Children and the Environment
1991 years: climate change requires universal cooperation
1992 mm year: Only One Earth mm, Care and Share
1993 years: get rid of the vicious privation and the environment mm cycle
1994 years: One Earth One Family
1995 years: people of all countries combine together to create a better world
1996 years: Our Earth,toronto escort,sweating, Our Habitat, Our Home
1997 years: for the Earth Life on
1998 years: Life on Earth mm in order to retention our oceans
1999 Year: Save the Earth, Our Habitat, Our
2000 Year: 2000 The Environment Millennium mm to Act
2001 years: World Wide Web of Life
2002 years: Give Earth a Chance
2003 years: Treat the earth, protect the environment
2004 years: Treat the Earth, the scientific development
2005 years: Treat the Earth - the scientific development and establishing a harmonious
2006 years: Treat the Earth - cherish the resources, sustainable development
2007 years: Treat the Earth - from the protection of resources to begin
2008 years: Treat the Earth mm from the side of the tiny things
2009: Green Century
2010 years: the development of low-carbon economic
green flag of the Earth, the Earth Flag
the cardinal pattern is the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Apollo 17 spaceship in space photographs taken of the world Earth Day VI
pearly backdrop with green logo is the Greek letter T:

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