Friday, April 22, 2011

even people

American children had opened the gap from when the ice

recently read one story entitled This article brought me than a lot of heavyweight shock criticism and inquiry.
the angel to children are the teachers public mind, is love, solidarity, rational musing, is hh the meaning of life in this kind of education, children will not love how, how could be subject to some limitations of Article box binding, and it?
I memorize in lofty educate, the pedagogue organize our studying Trainin.
I penetrate this description: March 13, 1988, at the old of 14-year-old chap Trainin, to discern the woods blaze, and swiftly rushed apt the scene of the bombard. He found a pine rushed toward the former struggling flames. Although Firefighters had the fire apt deter folk not to insist forcing, merely the trainin bear to have been solemn losses of state property went to flames. Finally the fire was eventually extinguished, and 3,500 acres of woods preserve, and satellite television stations and oil companies libraries are safe the .14 aboard the a.m. of the fire folk Haizishan jungle in the southern slope and found the remains of Trainin. his right arm tightly holding a small pine tree, relying on his forehead slopes, cups, lost, propped in his left hand, right thigh still retain ascend rank. trainin away we went, but the spirit never dies Trainin. He namely our character prototype! He is our proud always!
Trainin was a good children, and namely is quite heavy public idea the kid. However, in the circumstance of forest fire, why do we not teach kid how to flee, but to risk it? what kind of extra expensive? Rainei how adored ones will accordingly bear the anguish of it? There is extra wicked than the more disgraceful that education is more worthy of condemnation of it? principally in today vigorously in the cluster of corrupt officials embezzle embezzlement circumstances, but chronic education is a property of the child to martyrdom righteousness prevaricate! heartless!
in the United States, while the danger comes, the teacher will definitely teach my kids to depart, and that will narrate a very specific access to avoid the risk . they know, leaving life, asset can all be built.
In compare, our children's education is what's bloody ah! this inhuman how good of schooling in the decease of the human buried in the place!
But this truth I have no motif. I have also hope to put out the fire, as did Trainin, even in the flames of sacrifice is also without anybody hesitation. until the third annual of high school, a young conscience enlighten history teacher, so we began to understand many of the truth, so I began to muse. a correspondent, the eyes see, ears that listen, I slowly achieved that human life, human life inherent in love, tolerance and faith is the most valuable.
emancipate the children that evoke childish so-called Children rushed to save their own nests flames. all the entities entities that are can be rebuilt, but life is not. except God can reshape lives, not an has this competence.
our education, from childhood to In the destruction of children, denied their ecology, they planted the young mind the seeds of selfishness and servility. from kindergarten, the teacher began to children of parents below the power, wealth and so on, decided outlook of the child should be taken; from kindergarten , the children gradually learn to please the teacher hh
this servility is so entrenched that some people although they climb up the mastery position, I still can not change the original period, but even more so. see a alien, was a true slavery ; to see people, but also presents the bully-like ferocity. servile education, the same group of Yiguanqinshou destroyed, notwithstanding way to civilization where they have long lost the consciousness of life, not only do some of the personnel, even people, then even does not say.
This is such a huge sorrowful ah!
real destructive damage to the Chinese education system but malign, which denied soul, devoid of humanity, dispose of love, civilization, and servility obedience, disapproval to meager education in school is not only a excellent merchandiser of the gap between wealthy and poor is the central sinner in the havoc of a nation's future. If education does not alteration, at Banded-style development can never reserve up with the United States, and will likewise GDP for the so-called catch-up to hereafter generations to pay a bitter amount.
gap between China and the U.S. had been dragged from the children. The Chinese country ambition be rejuvenated, it should begin with babies, otherwise, anything tin only be delusional simpleton.

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