Saturday, April 23, 2011

they'd prefer dead than no separated . They muse age folk say

Full of flavor Arabsalabo lying on the mat, curtain aside the turn of the tent.
Boundless sky, stars blinking, agree great silent desert. While lonely, pensive, with the ghostly air beating. Sand is sand, There is no masking explode into the tent, into the neb, eyes, ears, neck and hair.
you can come in and sit a meantime?
voice know next to nothing of, a shadow flashed my eyes. by faint stars, to see a supper show Arabian belly dance girl. or that the body clothes, night brightened a bit savage monster.
you do not sit up, so to speak good. girl hand pressed my elbow. I secretly wonder. She seems to depend on a current of air withstand me. Do encountered a ghost?
I'm definitely a ghost. She looked hard at me, faint green eyes. But you absence not terror, I do not hurt you. but you do not turn eyes to play Guizhu Yi.
Do you absence to do?
to say you may not believe it, I just someone to talk to. ghosts will be lonely. She paused for a moment.
fact, I was a fox, Desert Fox. girl persisted. But I'm in humanity, like asking people to do. So the evening turned into a human form, abdomen dancing for passengers. the dead of night, to ascertain someone to speak to cheer favorite.
I do not know if to trust you this matter. I have two hand pad to the back of the head, seeing the steeple of the tent said. It does not matter, anyhow, a moment can not sleep. Wohuo mind recently was Machiavellian to the bordered. have you chat with are not bad, notwithstanding the fox.
her slightly Yizheng . That creature the circumstance, then you tell me a few stories, like the Arabian Nights. change their brains, the mood may be better.
I glanced at her. If that is not nice, can be as legendary as the harm to me?
I'm not that capacity. I frankly. However, the Middle East see this desolate desert, I was reminded recently been. Australia, in the Southern Hemisphere.
Oh, I know. girl intervened . There are kangaroos and koalas, right.
Yes, but only in the zoo to see, not imagine running bring an end to ...the floor. I went to a place called the northern territories, there are Wu Lu into the rock, the world's largest. there is endless, hot and dry. but it is not the desert, is the soil cover, red, red as if burning fire.
there is a assembly area for indigenous people still live a primitive life slash and flame. They have many archaic folklore, called the Dreamtime story. Let's talk almost it from me.
[Fox Abstract This story] Original Post address:
subject: Re: paste the ghost story
page: the ultimate global star Zhuangshan PK
nonsense one. [hlqlj @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-13 07:08:08 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
Oh, D Ghost Story
made version of the theme: Re: paste the ghost story
page: Nan Yi star was photographed passion Touhuan
daytime language stranger [norikoe @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-13 11:42: 46 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
one entity I believe: we do not do asset by halves of D
students will adhere to write the end of of 8?
wait ~!
top support
theme: D
paste the ghost story made [bangkokite @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-13 11:55:17 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
honey 娜威 girls and crocodiles
time, there was such a village. ground and corn, the river fish, it is hard fatigue and pleasure. But there is a girl labeled Honey 娜威. She grew up and others do not like, naughty, provoke others pessimistic. The parents do not attention, thinking they grow up become.
into a big girl, after a long , honey 娜威 is often caused trouble, adore to say bad things about other people, sow disagreement. old people warned her mother, do not take discipline, after the trouble. But honey 娜威 still not changed. old people think of a way.
the traditional the girls to a certain age, consider their wedding on the village. That day, the village youth girl in a row, named by the old people to wed any man. one girl were gone, leaving only standing there honey 娜威unclaimed. who do not marry her for his wife. honey 娜威 angry.
From then on she became more vicious, dislike everyone. her fight another day, pick quarrels in the village fight, and made absolute confusion. Last chiefs petulant , he resolved to 娜威 whipped honey.
day, honey 娜威 said ill, several men grabbed her suddenly came up, threw her non-stop rolling on the filthy floor. messy hair, dress, broken , his face polluted. honey 娜威 stumble rushing to go the beach, the sea devil apologized her to become the beast, she vowed to take retaliate.
So, honey has chance a vicious crocodile 娜威 to prowl into the creek waiting period.
many years afterward, the village people have forgotten what honey 娜威. they go to the river to catch crab fishing, honey 娜威 see her rolling on the ground then one of them, quietly climbed bite live in his thigh. She called out to the male rolling in the water, while saying, do you memorize me? my honey 娜威, while you torment me like that, shame me.
until today, anytime crocodile caught live in additional animals, the absolute coil to ah coil in the water non-stop.
This story tells us? I looked up and asked.
not to talk ill of, not gossip. he girl answered immediately.
I smile. You will also use some idioms. The story also tells us, for you can and others do not, looks are uncommon identity does not matter. but do not injure anyone.
her side head thought. if someone Machiavellian make you suffer, do not you just Wohuo, do not fight back?
I did not say anything. It really is a fox morale in humanity.
ah, the story just fine listening. girl said. is a short point, not fun. Go on.
subject: Re: paste the ghost story
I have wings!! [anna735 @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-13 16:06:07 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Papers] [Citie send cell phone]
D senior, has been a very high ah, hey, await to read myself
subject: Re: ghost stories
D paste made [bangkokite @ sohu] published in 2006-02-13 17:17:27 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
whales, koalas and sea stars in a distant remote island
, the home to 3 individuals, called them whales, koalas and starfish it.
fewer and fewer as the island's food, they have to go to the land looking for food. three, only whales canoe, The canoe can only take two. Koalas and starfish on the whale said, lent us the canoe to the land to find food then, send back to share.
whale discontinue. He was fearful to go Koala and Starfish not come back, leaving his own island. but he did not the nerve to say it.
how to do it, we can not starve it. Koalas and starfish thought of a way, the whale head lice, the total for Koala help him catch, and each leg will lie Koala drowse. So, they intend to take this time, pushing the canoe into the water starfish secretly. and then swim to add Koala.
So one day, Koala Also for the whales to grab lice. He used sharpened sticks, cilia in a whale's cry to draw to. whale is very snug and presently kick a snore. starfish into the water dragging the canoe afterward the whale gently placed Koala to the waterfront, leave silently.
They walked for a long time, the whale was {awake|awake}. He paddled far to see koalas and starfish canoes to go to the land of the seeing. whales are very angry, jumped into the water catch up. that the whale, but swimmer, soon to catch up with Kayak.
three people approximate the water fight fight. Koalas follows sharpened wooden sticks Flanagan, inserted into the whale's nape and back. whale large strength, punch hit short of the half put the koala, pulled his ears again very long. Koalas panic to escape, ascended up a rubber tree, trembling.
whale will remain above the tree, turned around and saw a starfish is apt hiding behind a rock stack. He rushed fiercely fanned him two hand, the starfish played smooth, and flat. do not vent, but likewise hard dragging back and forth, until the starfish is not adult-like, the water was darted away.
In this way, Koala still huddled horrified, adhering to the branches can not come down to globe. starfish very ashamed of their exterior, do not want to see people hiding in the water. whales back to sea, lonely life. After the nape is Koala knot a hole, the water depends on it to breathe.
So every annual to penetrate whales to coast cruising. That is its heart still ventilation, but afterwards it came to koalas, and starfish.
What is the signification of this story? girl pre-emptive.
, I think, can not be thought between each other, no matter how ghost 也好. premeditated effort to achieving things.
not also be said, can not harm anyone Yes, defenses can not do without. she said thoughtfully.
may have this meaning. It seems that you understand of plenty of money, clever ghosts. In truth, not each story has anybody meaning. many fairy tales, to coax a baby to sleep.
is. She immediately interface. just half the story of the ghost paste, did not count. repeat that one.
I pluck the pull the ears of the sand and said, you truly a ghost needy cheat. The emulating story is I did. that there are chips that the regional stone, the picture is quite realistic, moving impact.
subject: Re: paste the ghost story
I have wings!! [anna735 @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-13 17:35:17 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
ah, impatient to see what the next chapter, the theme
: Re: ghost stories
D paste made [bangkokite @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-13 19:51:09 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
me is the Western course of eating, on the an (not nonsense), talk will be days, back to a taste, and then on the second. you probably still Chinese edible habits, 4 dishes and an soup, one on a QI.
【 ],[!
subject: Re: ghost stories
D paste made [bangkokite @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-13 19:55:11 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Collection] [ ,],[> D senior, has been a very high ah, hey, wait to read myself
topic: Re: ghost stories
paste nonsense one. [hlqlj @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-13 22:55:13 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
Haha, free time, planned for me in the story personas
【in (D word) of the masterpiece mentioned:】
> me this is the Western way of eating, on the one (not nonsense), chat will be days, back to a taste, and then on the second. you probably still Chinese food habits, four dishes and one soup, one on Qi.>>
subject: Re: paste the ghost story
Wizard of Oz [251375918 @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-14 00:11:38 [Reply] [send message] [sent gift] [Citie send cell phone]
Ding Hu made a good ...
brother, you handsome devil's role in it ~
【(nonsense one.) art mentioned:】
> Haha, free time, arranged for me in the story characters>>
subject: Re: paste the ghost story
You Youran natural [zyyyj1 @ sohu] published in 2006-02-- 14 06:02:25 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
Dingxiong Long time no see, still so great ~!
how are you recently?
willow Piaoxu:) [piaoyu77 @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-14 11:00:14 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
for women a become to yell jewelry stores to make money, month, make 10 million! newspaper marketing, with a soft difficult behavior Address:
subject: Re: paste the ghost story
page: the ultimate universal star Zhuangshan PK
day language stranger [norikoe @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-14 11:48:44 [ ,],[> Website: Star have been photographed
Touhuan Nan Yi Ding enthusiasm made [bangkokite @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-14 12:14:22 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Collection] [ ,],[45:01 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
that can grab a sofa which
【in (D word) is said masterpiece To:】
View original send to phone
> celebrate Valentine's Day, the day ceased paste the ghost story.
topic: Re: Re: paste the ghost story
llzq7386 [llzq7386 @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-14 21:50:04 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Citie send cell phone]
ghost stories I listen, and then talk about it. if someone in the petition when the chief character, and that more to look inward to.
topic: Re: ghost stories
D glue made [bangkokite @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-15 10:59:27 [Reply] [send message] [awards] [ ,],[busy from morning until nightfall, finally pulling his brain, only to bring an end to ... quickly and head; pulled out two feet, followed along different two feet. a closer see, really one is a Siamese twins, and half of the men and half women. < br> midwife horrified shivering, and virtually did not throw the child tents. and then looked back at the mother, her eyes closed, I do not know when it has hack off gas. clan in a hunk panic, running legend is the devil reincarnated, indicating a massive difficult to come.
point end of the village blaze chiefs arrayed to burn the devil baby, calamity pesticides. angry drums, always the mania of men and women dance nude. For the moment a child is heaved high, delivery Siamese twins woman rushed forward and back. She claimed that children are the paradise stuff, God inspired by her upbringing.
Since then, the midwife took the child to live piece. could not narrate whoever was born, simply to men as brother , woman for the girl. a family of three, life was hard. thanks to a good hearted woman in the village, often secretly sent some food to wear.
wink of one eye kid grow up, feel build up inconvenience. sleep sideways only , wade more distress, both sideways, or one forward one backward. but emotion good brother and sister, brothers, anything consultations. really you, for me.
Siamese sibling and sister do not know how scatter out , the extra hunk farther. until one day, a few strangers at her door dressing a strange, central accompanied. they had worked, midwives mention, these folk want to take you, help you separate the body, free.
Siamese brother and sister fear. we do not, we should not be split in half.
midwife wept. kids, not move it I want you. to go appearance, points are not separated, at least there is eat and sleep place. I'm old, no exertion to advocate you more. after how to do, who will attach to it?
twin brother and sister very tough subject, went to the woods crying, they'd prefer dead than not separated . They think antique people say, the mountains are rocks at the devil, is the man to leave shell. where you can fly to another world, free.
next night they secretly left the house. away day and night to find strange Stone Office, climb a rock. navel of the night, a sudden rain, thunder and speedy. lightning, the children appear to see a woman in mid-air.
They shouted, O mommy, come away our it. we will never separate.
Since then, the adding of a piece of the devil rocks. From afar, the two children sit back to back, inactive. an air of silence and happiness.
girl with long, slim fingers rang the reception on both sides of his eyes. a good sad ending, brother and sister more than the poor.
so helpless in this earth, fate is often wielded in the hands of others. I am angry.
she thought. No matter how this world has The affection among brother and sister as they unravel the meaning, let me jealous, made me move.
faint distant sound of the church early morning chant, one after another, so consonant, and some sad.
girl suddenly got up. < br> I must go. Thank you for your story, really nice. elevated heaved the curtain, she said back, but you do not feel the two children finally turned into stone, is there no way to struggle to achieve their own choice?
I was silent, no to verbal exchanges.
2006 年 2
month in Dubai, United Arab Emirates Wizard of Oz [251375918 @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-15 18:46:11 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Citie send cell phone]
this sense is a fairy tale ~ ~
another? fox will come back up?
subject: Re: Re: paste the ghost story
days Language stranger [norikoe @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-15 22:07:08 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
girl go?
how to jot back ah?
topics: Re: Re: paste the ghost story
I have wings!! [anna735 @ sohu] Posted at 2006-02-16 00:15:17 [Reply] [send message] [gifts] [Personal Blogs] [Citie send cell phone]
the second night, he girl again, the emergence of a silent ~

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