Wednesday, April 27, 2011

and 夏克提帕特 think method

Juice Fasting movement series of peace (1)
2009 年 3 月 .7 at
Culver City, California, MD: a concise introduction for everybody. Supreme Master Ching Hai is the earth she is also called the twenty-first century, one of the largest philanthropists, donated her own just over a year to one million greenbacks to fund relief work all over, she won the Asian Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 known for the Gu Peace Prize. She herself does not accept donations, only asking people to achieve our part, that is really giving. She is now advocating vegan, save the planet survive global warming crisis, probably in the hereafter will thus crowned with thousands of history.
We, accordingly, and told her to get to know us activities, I was Labikusen and David Weiss pastor here, chaired over the activities of environmental remedy Earth Juice fasting, fasting, and healing the earth What is the relationship? We find that people eat off six or seven days, the body compartments will forget, meat, fish , fowl, dairy products, dairy products have casein morphine, morphine is equivalent to one-tenth strength, so the most difficult to get rid of, these foods are addictive, studies have shown that compartments need some time to forget. This is a study evidence, not the metaphorical expression. When you do not eat meat, fish, chicken, dairy products, gained the gene will forget those things.
we kas long asone of the most important thing now: to cope with global warming! is the only eat plant foods, there are many bad message, to be faulted, because the warming carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and that about 9%, according to NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies James Dean. Hansen's study, only 9% of carbon dioxide, in fact, half of the warming due to methane, which is no mistrust that methane is a very serious problem, mainly by emissions from livestock, and a new estimate that it unprecedented Wen, only just beginning to understand the truth. effect than carbon dioxide, methane, 25 times to 100 times stronger, it may cause 5 percentage of the global warming, emissions of most animals, it is estimated about 15% from animal waste, pollution, Ukraine Lake and the billions of pounds of fertilizer each year nitrous oxide, and its warming effect than carbon dioxide intensity 296-300 times. Also it is important that 65% of nitrous oxide from manure, and ammonia would cause mordant rain, which is a serious problem by far, it is important that the carbon dioxide will remain in the atmosphere 100 years to 500 years, and even thousands of years, it is hard to say. so reduce carbon emissions, could not immediately telling, even now replaced Prius to open more than one thousand years, only see the effectiveness of the current did not help much, so we started off food activities organized by the Polish set at the end of August, and New York, Boston, Toronto and Vancouver . the purpose is to make people understand the serious injury livestock. The good newspaper is eight to fifteen years can disappear in the atmosphere, particularly methane, so that would be great. We know how to do it, you can immediately. behind talk about what kind of food we eat, judged to the survival of the biological world, differences of opinion in this regard.
because we listen to expert, for example: James. Hansen said: We have only one or two years, will approach a rotating point We must understand that people only part of the Earth. If we doing properly, not only the earth will suffer, our life on earth, must also endowed to suffer. It is a critical period is a critical phase.
we really The Supreme Master Ching Hai Cheah Cheng Hye is a sense of the world wake up to take the guide, your Supreme Master television, satellite broadcast through fourteen to sixty varieties of language translation, a number of countries playing in the seventies and widely disseminate this message. I want people to pure factory diet can be accepted, it concerns the survival of our world needs this, this is the only viable option, but also we can control. We do not have other new inventions, such as cordless motorcars, etc., can now start a vegetarian, We humans have the competence to do it, we are pleased to cooperate with you once repeatedly To the darling of Italy, thank you for your ambition in the industry over the implementation of the Wei. We really think we as brothers and sisters, in a special way to save the planet, is Thank you.
me to introduce Pastor David Wyss, asked him a tiny about this, and then quiz us.
Pastor: We are here to lukewarm greetings from the great adore you, also praised the anti-vegetarian, you are thrifty not exertion to promote global warming the truth, I do not know, Gabriel said before, behind, do I need to add, but I can really start to play the power to change the world from the diet, as he pointed out that at a time we get rid of the body addicted to eat meat or fish, do not do what, when, after doing pile up people approximately, it will abbreviate into a coerce, and build possibilities.
when we purify the body, the mind will surely revive pure, more spiritual level, to accept their own It has the miraculous ability, so when we see an urgent report on these scientists to the scientific point of view,toronto escorts, the contents true. world, everyone should get rid of addicted to eating meat or fish, purify the body, was able to close God Most High. It would be pedaled we reached the past, can not do, because the previous absence of higher vibrations we can not close the force. So the interests of all vegetarian, diet, purification of the mind, access to spiritual power, then we work together to the rate of diffusion indices, although only a small group of people here, there is meaningful shock on the metropolis, and so on. around a small group of people, but also can greatly affect the Earth.
We are gloried to open a new trend of life The trees and great love of people around you and actively caring for the earth and every other, we greet you to connect the festivities.
MD: I admit! We appreciate the people who participate in fasting, because you are a hero! Please All of you encourage it! another year or two, there will be millions of heroes out, everyone is essential to shove the hand. (Baker, Wisconsin: good) we invite you, you would like to ask us anything?
Master: Yes, I would like to ask, has anyone hungry?
, MD: So that not the case, we are keen to God.
Master: Great. because I like you, fresh off a portrait, sometimes hungry, because I was too close to other people, the savor of vegetables, etc., is very baiting, if it is easy and like this, some organizations encourage each other, it is very lucky. Yes, you feel comfortable? (all: comfortable) drink a week juice, is not that much easier? (crowd: a) very good, meaning you hold gathering? Yes, vegan drinks party.
MD: Yes, I memorize that. ( Great!) approximately train groups, so we ought not be prejudiced towards environmental technology, environmental conservation should be encouraged to diet, and this is our goal to subserve, fasting is to aid human, immediate way to environmentally friendly food.
Master: Yes, it is elated. for you to prop this green party, and very pleased to participate in human bravery. the courage to come here to try, maybe they had previously participated in, perhaps they are experts juice.
, MD: There are many who not tried (oh) this namely their first experience, so calling them heroes. for once capable, and quite cozy, whereas ahead, we must vanquish panic, why they cried them heroes.
Master: even now you have experienced, they are all heroes, just like to give up all the journal entities, not easy, right? regardless of if they formerly have done many times, are the real heroes, first try who is a hero, because they do not know how, but yet experienced people know, this is a great challenge, for me, is really the circumstance. I would not say easy, I sometimes eat a few weeks off, and periodically Only one week is not easy the first few days, later better and better. right?
all: Absolutely!
Master: Yes. (is ah)
Pastor: the mind will prevaricate to us, I was seeing at a spiritual procedure of the movie, I noticed that the male line yellow knot, it was the third day of fasting, I noticed that I imagine his mind is beginning to eat corn flakes, I achieved that the mind itself in trouble , so I imagine myself in the mind to eat corn flakes, I have to regulate the mind.
Master: Yes, I know.
Pastor: So will a bit challenging, but surely in groups, chant, yoga, meditation (M: a) and with the help of meditation, we will make it easier to complete the activities of fasting.
Master: you do is right, to a week of nectar fasting cleanses the body, by least because maximum health benefits. There healthy body, the mind are extra sober, and I bring ... to an end this spiritual fasting amplify, so must differentiate you. Yes, the intensive class of think I can feel actually improved, about from the body can be found very awarding, so I hope you obtain all or portion of both shared, you will feel all the stamina centers in the improvement, but an by one to open, favor a pick a gate to open in common, feel very close to the body, the body can be felt even to. some of you feel it? (all A: Yes!) Yes! Congratulations,shanghai escort! Congratulations.
to go home after today to reside focused and piety, as in the here and the centers of pastors and sage doctor, together in general. really this method can also remove a diversity of ailments, (on) so you can neat anything.
'm pleased you're done, I am glad you have ample gallantry and persistence to complete. However, Under the guidance of experts, is always secure. nice! good!'m glad you did. pastors and doctors, who are you two huge hero.
, MD: Thank you! Thank you very much!
Master: You好棒!
, MD: Thank you for your advocate, because we will promote in the U.S. and Canada.
Master: Great!
doctors: absence to look thousands of people, after the completion of fasting, to be vegan!
Master: A!
MD: It was the clause.
Master: I know! I know
MD: unconsciously, to make their fasting.
Pastor: Yes! and refining the body temple
this doctor: a message and tell their current h..
Master: Yes,
Pastor: They really can save the planet, at the peak of change is like a vegetarian the.
Master: Yes
MD: But we uphold the conviction of pleasure, the implementation of fasting, we have been served with and 夏克提帕特 meditation method, people will start getting life in the sacred delight, to encourage their sustained (Master: yes) because it feels good.
master: Right, right! Look! Once we get rid of solid food needed every day, need a variety of habits and ideas of things, once like to certify In fasting, there will be a period of time will feel no fear, will have a kind of courage, the courage to do anything, even a long time without eating, let single try to change to a vegetarian diet, pure vegetarian, you can do many things, After a week or two after the juice fasting, or feel invincible, you have this sensibility? (all A:!)
video spots: the benefits of vegetarian
priest: they now think namely we can depend above God is mentioning apt live by each word.
Master: Yes, yes, yes.
MD: Because they feel, the sound echoes in the body, maybe we should ask you some questions. We are about eight a problem. Now you can ask me?
Master: Of lesson. Please inquire questions.
Audience: Hello: Your web has been vigorous in reporting weather change-related food emergencies and the choice, can you tell us some Recent file do?
Master: Yes, ma'am, very happy. Every day there are many stories to tell the situation of our planet, how urgent, and save the planet by eating in a major role to play, since you ask, I will outline one or two
Master: Yes, ma'am, very happy. Every day there are many reports tell us that the situation of the earth, how to save the Earth in an crisis, and diet, activity a major character, since you ask, I will outline one or two.
I think there are many, is that you know or you can quest the Internet, but because you participate in activities】 【juice, I retarded the information for you, in September 2008, the United Nations inter- Government Panel on Climate Change in the cardinal Xipa Zhuo, MD, and former U.S. President Al Gore and other people with the Nobel Peace Prize, 帕卓里博士 that telegrammed his scientists mm (they called to tell him), livestock emissions greenhouse gases is much higher than previously estimated amount. their 2006 report They have by far resolved, but more than nutritional biochemist best-selling founder Colin. Dr. Campbell said he's colleague at the World Bank: that the current livestock emissions of greenhouse gases,experts say, accounting for more than half of the total, which even not the accurate percentage. Dr. Campbell said, this information is not the maximum they have estimated the proportion of research, they think may be higher.
they accepted one preferential interview with Supreme Master Television revisited this information. current climate scientists keeps telling us: If you reduce the livestock, it will reduce methane, which is the fastest way to cool the planet. According to the learn, due to burning fossil oils, carbon dioxide, and subject to tens of thousands of years, will perish from the atmosphere, so that reduce the temperature of the globe. and the strength and heat off than methane, carbon dioxide, 23 periods stronger on average ten to twenty years will perish, so American scientists Kirk. Smith in the latest IPCC report, methane data than has been reported The even higher, he said, two decades on mean a volume of carbon dioxide, heat may be sixty to one hundred periods the methane in the atmosphere nine to ten years will disappear, disappeared without a track, In compare, the number of carbon dioxide need years, so if less methane, will be skillful to now slow down universal warming, you know the fact? carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for longer stays, while the methane is quickly disappearing, accordingly reducing the methane usage is to reduce livestock. If the ban flesh, livestock ban, according to the latest data indicate that at least half of the methane lost, you can assume? This is a very great amount! and then immediately cool the Earth, In compare, the carbon dioxide will need tens of thousands of years to cool down. Currently methane is the most distress the planet heats the gas, because a big number. According to the scientists put it to 50%, even more than 50%, so if you stop the manufacture of methane, that is to stop beast husbandry, can stop the half, they that only half, at least half.
transformation if we planted vegetables, alphabetical farming, equitable so you can reduce 40% carbon dioxide in the air, so you will proceed to acquire benefits, no only reduced by half methane, calculated by alphabetical farming, but too 40% cutback of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and always have the amuse! the two-pronged approximate, of course, the Earth will chilly down.
I am not talking about miracles, I'm talking about are in line with science and logic. We can access the Internet or Climate ask these famous Dr., listen to what they have said.
livestock industry is the single largest source of methane. According to FAO estimates, about the current global methane emissions 35% to 40%, but I think underestimated, and I'm sure, although I am not a scientist, because the data add up to more than 40%. are so Kirk. Smith suggested that the increased tariff shall be for meat, to change the habit of eating meat. This is Good idea, but I felt a bit slow, but better than nothing.
it good for two reasons: First point: Carnegie Mellon University scientists base that eating all animal products a daytime, and eat Pure vegetarian, the efficacy of reducing greenhouse gases, is 7 times to eat local food. The second point: buyer protection union that: meat and dairy productions from a orthodox standard-based diet to organic vegan diet can reduce Jiucheng Four (94%) of the carbon emissions from the diet to reduce carbon emissions 94%. These are I can give you the latest information available. These data not only clearly tells us that the current situation is urgent but also provide the fastest most efficient The solution is to reduce the intensive meat industry's greenhouse gas emissions.
Thank you very many for hearing
smudges videos: diseases associated with meat, dairy
audience: Thank you for your hard , here the current drought in Southern California, the water restrictions, how the specialists scrutinized say?
Master: experts tell us many things. They say that California is currently moving towards the worst drought in California history. manners of California most of the water the Sierra Nevada, and now only supply, water supply over the quondam winter, 61% of regular, and even winter, so, not to mention the summer, when very dry.
California, half of U.S. product of fruits, vegetables and nuts, but the United States The Government announced that planters can not get anyone water from the state, can imagine this? California peasants supply half of your fruit, vegetables, but now they can not get any water from the state government, California has fallen into the plight of drought. because this year the supply farmer's main source of water is expected to be intervened. greenhouse gases are occasioning the California desert to amplify in other zones too. but now we only converge on California. In California, the United States the two largest man-made lake, close Lake and Lake Weir pack will be in 2021 dry, the lake provides water supply of Colorado River water to 8% of the U.S. population, and now they are dry, and presently will be completely dry.
so think of these, the Stockholm International Water Institute said: Qicheng of water use in agriculture, most of which are accustom in growing corn and soybeans for animal fared, not human, so we water absences, food deficits, this is a waste of expensive food, has not only a waste of precious water. experts calculated to produce one kilogram beef needs 5000-20000 liters of water, but just one kilogram of wheat from 500 to 2000 liters of water, which is one-tenth of meat consumption.
all the time when we water warehouse capacity are reduced at an belling rate, we really afraid, even now we do not take a bath, there will not be much help, because all people water together, as with the world's water expense of the three (30%), other large some use in the meat industry, 70% know? So I'm taking ascetic even if you do not even do the laundry, we, like the Himalayas, yoga, do not dress clothing, do not take a bath, always sprinkle ashes on the body also helps not the earth.
meat industry must be banned, that would help the earth, will maintain our water sources, lakes and rills additional. This is from the substance and technological, I did not speak about merit. we ache others, abuse, annihilating of animals, just to fill her abdomen, creating bad karma for themselves the evil. different point of view, giving up a pound of meat, we can save more than half do not lave in water, but do not eat 4 burgers, you can each day half bath, you can imagine such a big difference? So if you really want to save water for the world to meet our daily needs, not to advert for future generations, we must shift to non-animal diet vegetarian mm. livestock must be disallowed, so. Thank you!
spots: EU
, MD: Good question, good question
Master: is a magnificent problem

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